Get Private Mentorship With Dr. Penchas



Dentist - Tired of Feeling Like You’re  Not Good Enough?

Let me help you. because:

  • dental school never prepared you
  • No matter how hard you try, it's never good enough
  • It's harder to make it than you ever imagined. You just need a booster on your back.
  • You just can't be good at everything in the dental business and seeing it from outside the box can help.

you're not alone. I've been there and over my 30 years in dentistry, I've slain the dragons.. Now I'm going to show you how to be and feel your best. Period.

You can't change the economy, the state of dentistry, or insurance reimbursement. You can change your ability and behavior to cope with it all.


You Need Private Mentorship

Success is a way of life and work - every successful business owner has a mentor. Because growth does not happen by itself.

Ask anyone who has a private trainer or a counselor - Having a Sounding board and a Guide is Priceless.

my private mentorship will help you gain control of your future. you'll learn how to disconnect from your circumstances and make yourself the best you can be.

Let me help you - Because you are so worth it!


It’s Time To Love Being A Dentist.

Let Me Show You How To Tap Into The Best You Can Be.



Remove the negativity and noise around you and I'll teach you how to:

  • Focus on crushing it
  • Learn daily routines for maximum earning with less stress
  • Make your dreams a reality

It’s time for you to be who you want to be.


Everyone’s journey is different. Find the right package for you:



One On One mentorship - Turbo Crush It

  • Immediate access to all class modules
  •  1:1 Private One-hour coaching call with Dr. Penchas to discuss your needs
  • Live phone, text, and video support
  • Schedule a free 15-minute call to see if this is a good fit!



Put the techniques you learn into practice during private coaching calls with Dr. Penchas. This is a safe place where we can work on your journey.

Whether you are a single doctor struggling in practice or a multi-office owner struggling with growth - Don't waste time and be aggravated,  let me show you how I grew from an associate to an owner and leader of a six-office group

Before each session, you’ll get notes and information to make the session insightful with next day helpful topics for improvement. 

I can’t wait to help you be the success you can bel

I'm Jonathan Penchas.

You can describe me as a dentist, mentor, and small business owner. But in reality, I am so much more than that. And so are you.

Don't get stuck in a box. Don't accept what society and your colleagues think dentistry is. 

Join me on a journey of self-discovery, growing your tools to crush it with unapologetic confidence.

"I use the strategies I learned in this masterclass daily. They help me show up for myself and my family in incredible ways."

Dina Porters

"I love the advice and practice sessions included in the coaching calls! Being able to put what I learned into practice right away was powerful."

Dr. Andrew gomes



Have you ever felt like something is missing in your life? No matter how hard you work, you are always behind where you (or society) think you should be.

If so, then Mentorship sessions are definitely for you.

I'll help you tune out the world around you and break down your walls. Once you've gotten to know and love what you are doing, I'll teach you how to nurture and grow your practice and crush it.


If you aren’t completely satisfied with your  Masterclass or coaching, let us know within the first 14 days for a full refund. No questions asked.